Day2:Basic Linux commands

Day2:Basic Linux commands

Table Content

  • About Linux

  • Basic command on Linux

About Linux

Linux is an open-source operating system (OS). An operating system is a software that directly manages a system’s hardware and resources, like CPU, memory, and storage. The OS sits between applications and hardware and makes the connections between all of your software and the physical resources that do the work.

Basic command on Linux

whoami >> to check the current user

ls >> to check files and directories

ls -l >> List the files and directories in a long list format with extra information

ls *.sh>> List all the files having .sh extension.

ls -i>> List the files and directories with index numbers inodes

ls -d */>> List only directories.(we can also specify a pattern)

date >> to check the current date

touch >> to create a new file

mkdir >> to make a directory in a specific location

pwd >> print work directory. Gives the present working directory.

cd .. >> Change directory to the provided path

cd ~ >> Change directory to the home directory

cd .. /.. >> Change directory to 2 levels back.

cd home/my_folder >> to go destination directory

echo>> to print something

cat >> to write/see content in the particular file

rm -r/-rf >> to delete files and directory

rm -r/-rf >> to delete files and directory

cp >> to copy files to one directory

man any executable command >> can see detail description of that command

adduser \>> to create a new user account

userdel -r \>> to delete user account

Create a nested directory A/B/C/D